As part of the juice feast regime, I gave myself daily enemas.The idea wasn't too new to me because after I had Jack...well, it would suffice to say that pooping was like giving birth again. It was horrible.
I had an episiotomy with Jack and passing clay that was near to stitches was something I would never wish on anybody. I even took the stool softeners, twice a day, so as to prevent this from happening. Still, I became so constipated that I had Tyler run to the store to get me more stool softeners, milk of magnesia, and, yes, an enema.
Sweet relief! I learned that enemas aren't scary. Enemas are my friend. Enemas are there to help you, not hurt you.So walking into the juice feast, the enemas were the least of my worries. It would be fine. I drove down to a local medical supply shop and got myself a legit enema bag for $3.75.
Day after day, I got used to sticking the enema up there and I actually grew to crave the feeling of being totally cleaned out and light. What I normally do is lube up the end with coconut oil. Why coconut oil and not just plain ol' lube? Because we're too busy using that for other things. I kid (I don't kid). The actual reason is because coconut oil has natural antifungal properties (So ladies, if you're prone to yeast infections from doing the deed, try this).
One little piece of advice: don't open the floodgates all at once, people. You will be overwhelmed by the urge to "go" that you won't be able to get much in or hold it in for very long. Go slowly and let the air out of the tube before you stick it up your bum. If you don't do this, it's no skin off my nose but you will have lots of airy gas.
Basically the goal is to try to hold the water for as long as possible. I still can't hold it for very long but it still works. You get to decide how much to fill it up, too. I usually fill it up about 1/2 but I can't get it all in at once. Don't torture yourself and do what feels moderately comfortable. Also, sit on the toilet like you are giving birth with your knees up by your chest, if you can. It will help get more out and you will feel better.
Afterwards, I clean the tip of the enema bag and bask in the satisfaction of feeling cleaned out. But why should you even do enemas in the first place? Isn't it only for constipated people? Actually, it isn't. It's for everyone! This video is kind of long but these people are just so cool and the information is quite amazing.
I've heard so many times, Oh I could never do enemas. Yes, you can. It's not that hard and it doesn't make you cramp up. It just makes you feel like you need to go poop and it is totally not scary. Trust me.
Just try it. What have you got to lose? Poop? Believe me, you will feel so much better.
So even though I am done with the juice feast, I try to still do enemas daily, if not, every other day. I feel better, my stomach is flatter and it's not a hard thing to do. What are you waiting for? Seriously, go dig in your couch for pocket change and get an enema bag. Just try it.
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