
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 2

I wanted to show you my beautiful array of juices. As you can see, the purple juice (beets & spinach), has a little less but the lime green colored (my celery "soup") and my peach colored (cantaloupe & apples) have a ton of juice so I think it makes up for the lack.

I am so excited about my juices today! As I was reading another juice feaster's blog, I realized that he had juiced all of his celery to make into one meal. This got to me thinking that I could add things like, garlic, onion, a bit of tomato, and carrots to essentially make myself a juice "soup" so to speak for dinner. No more overpowering celery taste in ALL of my juices for the day.

I went to the store again but this time I got garlic, onion, cilantro, tomato, beets, green onions, and mushrooms. I've heard it's actually quite common for first timers to try mix the juices with the most flavor since we are so used to flavor and variety in our daily diet. It's true. I want FLAVOR, but only for now. I'm certain that will change as time goes.

My morning juice was quite pleasant. It was dark green but sweet at the same time and I gulped it down happily. Unlike yesterday, where I had to stop and compose myself after the celery taste. Honestly, you'd think I was a complete wuss, the way I talk about the celery but really, go put your celery through a blender, strain it, and try drinking it. Then you can report back and if you think it's not bad at all, then I deserve a kick in the pants.

My lunch juice was amazing again! Right now, I live for my fruit juices. It just tastes so yummy.

I had my snack juice (the beet & spinach one) and it tastes like dirt, unfortunately. I put some honey in it to liven it up but the aftertaste of dirt still lingers. My sister and her sister-in-law (who have both done the juice feast) said how when you mix the two together, it tastes like chocolate milk. I think I put too much beet in it because...yeah, it doesn't taste like chocolate milk. However, it's not horrible but it's not one of my favorites so far.

I also had my dinner juice is it was nasty. My stomach is gurgling as we speak. It was indeed savory and had lots of flavor but something about it was not right and I did not enjoy it. I got about 3/4 done when I called it quits. It was just too much. Maybe I should just suck it up, do strait celery juice, and get it done with.

I'm still waiting for the dreaded detox. Usually it happens on day 2-4-ish but I feel fine today. No headache, no body aches, no nuthin' (except for my slight cold I had before starting). We'll see how tomorrow goes.

My body needs to get used to all of the veggie juice I am putting into me. I'm not hungry, per se, because I think my view of hunger is distorted. Before, my meals were probably on the higher end of fat content-wise (in which fat stays in your stomach longer) but now, my juices are digested more efficiently and faster. Mostly, I need to change my view on what it means to be hungry because the majority of the time I think I am hungry, if I wait another minute, I'm not. Also, my kidney's are going into hyperdrive right now. I pee every 30 minutes or so just because of all the liquid I am drinking!

What I juiced:
Romaine lettuce/carrots/cucumber/apple
Celery/tomato/cilantro/green onion/garlic

Weight  I don't have my scale yet, so I don't know.

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